Do you know a student in need of basic needs services? Refer them to the Lancer Care Center and we can help connect them to support.

To refer a student, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in PCC Connect
  2. Go into your classes and enter Student Name in search
  3. Click on Connection. Select your class and select the student for referral
  4. At the left top corner, click Flag/Referral
  5. Click "Create Referral For" and click on the drop down for service provider
    • Select Lancer Care
    • Select Your Same Class
    • Referred student is connected to
  6. Use the easy edit prompt to give the reason for referral
  7. Save and Send

Lancer Care is not appropriate referral for discipline resolutions.

CPART Referrals are separate from Lancer Care Process C-PART receives, assesses, responds to, and monitors behavior that may be disruptive, concerning, and/or threatening.

Follow the PCC student code of conduct for disruptive, dishonest, or harmful (academic & citizenship) behavior report to CPART.

CPART Faculty and Staff Guide:

If there is immediate risk to life or property Call 911 or (626) 585-7484

If you have questions about student conduct, please contact the Dean of Student Life at